Want to feel like your old self again? Screw that! Be an evolved version of you and own it!

Embrace Evolution! Rediscover authenticity instead of clinging to the past.

In a quest for wellness and self-discovery, it's common for my mediation clients to yearn for the familiar feeling of being their "old self" again. However, I realise that there is always a more advanced and fulfilled future human in there, waiting to come singing and dancing into the world. Plus there is a journey of profound beauty and growth in finding a new, authentic version that surpasses the limitations of the past.

Change is an inevitable part of life, and as we navigate through different experiences and challenges, we naturally evolve. Instead of clinging to an outdated version of ourselves, embracing the opportunity to discover newness in the self leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Be gentle with yourself - change is often challenging for people, and society doesn’t help because it’s largely shaped around insecurity by making people feel they need to ‘fit in’, ‘stand out’, or just generally look good in the eyes of others, and meet cultural ‘norms’. Society, especially the media, has a lot of influence on this, control. Once you start lifting the societal veil of control well there’s no limit to who you might allow yourself to become.

The concept of "going back to our old self" implies a desire to return to a time when we felt comfortable and secure, perhaps more youthful or energetic and ‘free’. While it's natural to long for the familiarity of the past, it's essential to recognise that growth and self-discovery occur through embracing change.

When we open ourselves to the possibility of transformation, we tap into our true potential. By shedding the layers of our old identity, we create space for personal growth, self-reflection, and the exploration of new passions and interests. Excitement and joy, fun! Healthy fun is one of life’s natural medicines. Through this process, we unearth hidden strengths, resilience, discover untapped talents, and cultivate a deeper sense of authenticity. We are able to step into ourselves and in doing so we can achieve what we came here to do - raise humanity by raising ourselves.

Embracing a new authentic version of ourselves allows us to align with our core values and desires, free from the expectations and limitations of the past. It grants us the freedom to explore uncharted territories, break free from societal norms, and live a life that is truly aligned with our true essence.

Remember, the journey of self-discovery is ongoing, and it requires openness, self-compassion, and the willingness to let go of what no longer serves us. Plus letting go of what we think others might think of us. Letting go of relationships and habits that no longer serve our higher good. Embrace the evolution and celebrate the opportunity to forge a new, authentic path forward, and new authentic friendships.

A new, authentic image is a transformative and empowering step that can greatly enhance your overall well-being. Embracing your true self and presenting an authentic image is a positive step towards personal growth and fulfilment. Fostering self-acceptance and self-love

By presenting yourself authentically to the world, you attract genuine connections and relationships that appreciate you for who you are. It's a courageous act that encourages exploration, self-discovery, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. By embracing a new image that resonates with your true essence, you create space for personal transformation and the opportunity to unlock your full potential.

Owning your authentic image boosts confidence and self-esteem. When you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, it radiates through your actions and interactions with others. Embracing your unique qualities and expressing them authentically helps you stand tall and embrace the world with a renewed sense of self-assurance. It empowers others to do the same. When you have the courage to be true to yourself, you inspire those around you to do the same. Your authenticity becomes a beacon of hope and encouragement for others, creating a ripple effect of positive change.


‘‘The creative adult is the child who survived’’ Rita J. King “Imagination is not a ‘soft skill.’


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