Your Energetic Body Also Wants to be Fully Alive and Kicking: how much are you letting it Live?

My friend Claire found her talent for sound healing after many years living and breathing unhealthy, competitive fashion industry environments. When she first turned to energy healing in a bid to address her stress and unhappiness, a Reiki practitioner told her that Claire’s soul had almost all but left her body.

In my experience as a meditation coach, I understand that most people do not consider the energetic body. After all, it’s not taught in the western school system, nor do we have very many scientific proof points in western medicine. However by considering the difference between western theology and eastern theology we can begin to see why western society historically separated us from the energetic body, the inner workings of the self, and a strong integration of the soul into the physical existence.

Western theology largely consists of exposition, reading, thesis, and general exploration of other people’s experience of God. Lots of description and explanations of ideas or theories. Eastern theology, simply put, is grounded in the practice of different types of meditation, yoga and so forth in order to connect to the unseen forces of breath, the mind-body connection and the energetic body. ie to have your own spiritual experience of God versus a passed down version of someone else’s. Also it’s worth noting that God takes many forms and has many meanings across religions. From a holistic wellness perspective, God is within us energetically, as we are one, connected within the collective conscious.

Prayer is the main link between eastern and western religions, however it’s interesting to note that prayer is talking to the universe or God, whilst meditation is listening and experiencing.

Apologies if you’re reading this over your breakfast, I realise the concept of God and theology can be a bit heavy first thing in the morning! However to summarise - In this respect living in the west has the ability to disconnect us entirely from the energetic body and our soul. We barely hear the term higher consciousness practices until we seek them out to reduce stress.

The energetic body is balanced through higher consciousness practices, and this strengthens our connection to our truth - the true self. Usually hidden under years of societal conditioning and cultural norms. An essential part of energy work and emotional healing is to strip these layers aways, reach inside, step inside and then set that version of self free. Set your soul on fire!

Setting the soul or inner self free brings us into personal alignment, where we step into equilibrium. Reaching energetic equilibrium is a transformative journey that involves cultivating inner harmony and balance, joy, meaning and energetic connection. It begins with it self-reflection, as we explore our beliefs, values, and purpose in life. Our shadow self also usually needs some time to be energetically transformed.

This introspection, and time spent with the unseen elements of life, enables us to identify areas of imbalance and work towards restoring them. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and a healthy self-priority mindset, play crucial roles in fostering an energetic connection to the deeper aspects of our being.

So start the journey if you haven’t already. Consider learning how to connect to parts of yourself that you perhaps never knew existed. Maybe you are a healer, a way-shower, artist, a change-maker, sage, writer, teacher, or a peacekeeper. Set your energetic body free to live in alignment with the true you, and see the positive, peaceful changes unfold.


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